82 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game. |
82 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Tane Edmed has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts. |
80 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Triston Reilly bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack. |
76 | Substitution on | Teddy Wilson comes on. |
76 | Substitution off | Jake Gordon comes off. |
71 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Sam Gilbert takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts. |
69 | Conversion - Missed Right | Tane Edmed curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right. |
67 | Try - Passing Move | A series of passes by NSW Waratahs results in a try for Max Jorgensen |
67 | Try Assist | Triston Reilly sets up the try. |
67 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Triston Reilly took full advantage. |
67 | Substitution on | Highlanders make a substitution with Jonah Lowe coming on. |
67 | Substitution off | Highlanders make a substitution with Tanielu Tele'a coming off. |
66 | Substitution on | NSW Waratahs make a substitution with Hayden Thompson-Stringer coming on. |
66 | Substitution off | NSW Waratahs make a substitution with Angus Bell coming off. |
66 | Substitution on | NSW Waratahs make a substitution with Harry Wilson coming on. |
66 | Substitution off | NSW Waratahs make a substitution with Izaia Perese coming off. |
66 | Conversion - Kicked | The Highlanders supporters go wild as Sam Gilbert successfully kicks the conversion. |
64 | Try - Passing Move | Great hands by Highlanders leads to a try for Tanielu Tele'a |
64 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Tanielu Tele'a goes through the gap. |
64 | Try Assist | Sam Gilbert sets up the try. |
63 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Fabian Holland goes through the gap. |
62 | Substitution on | Highlanders sub Sean Withy comes onto the field. |
62 | Substitution off | Tom Sanders departs for Highlanders. |
60 | Substitution on | Highlanders sub Jermaine Ainsley comes onto the field. |
60 | Substitution off | Saula Ma'u departs for Highlanders. |
57 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Sam Gilbert adds the points for Highlanders. |
54 | Substitution on | Ajay Faleafaga comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Rhys Patchell comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Saula Ma'u comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Jermaine Ainsley comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Ricky Jackson comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Henry Bell comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Dan Lienert-Brown comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Ethan de Groot comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Fergus Lee-Warner comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Langi Gleeson comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Miles Amatosero comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Hugh Sinclair comes off. |
47 | Substitution on | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Billy Harmon getting some game time. |
47 | Substitution off | Highlanders decide to make a substitution, with Nikora Broughton being replaced. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half kicks off. |
41 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms. |
41 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Tane Edmed kicks the penalty. |
37 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by NSW Waratahs has led to Langi Gleeson being able to wriggle through a gap. |
35 | Clean Break | Fabulous play by NSW Waratahs has led to Triston Reilly being able to wriggle through a gap. |
32 | Substitution on | Harry Johnson-Holmes comes on for NSW Waratahs. |
32 | Substitution off | Tom Ross leaves the field. |
31 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | The Highlanders supporters go wild as Sam Gilbert successfully kicks the penalty goal. |
29 | Conversion - Kicked | Tane Edmed makes no mistake with that conversion attempt. |
28 | Try - From kick | Izaia Perese gathers the kick to score the try for NSW Waratahs. |
28 | Try Assist | Spellbinding play by Mark Nawaqanitawase is finished off with a try. |
28 | Clean Break | Trouble here as Mark Nawaqanitawase breaches the defence. |
24 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Tane Edmed adds the points for NSW Waratahs. |
22 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Max Jorgensen bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack. |
19 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Rhys Patchell takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts. |
13 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Tane Edmed makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt. |
9 | Penalty Goal - Missed Right | Tane Edmed steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the right. |
5 | Conversion - Kicked | Sam Gilbert has kicked a conversion. |
4 | Try - Passing Move | Great hands by Highlanders leads to a try for Rhys Patchell |
4 | Try Assist | That's a great try assist by Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens. |
4 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens goes through the gap. |
1 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Sam Gilbert has kicked a penalty goal. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows their whistle. |