Super Rugby Pacific
NSW Waratahs vs Highlanders

NSW Waratahs
  • Time Fri, Mar 8, 2024, 8:35 AM
  • Location Allianz Stadium
  • Referee Damon Murphy
NSW Waratahs
NSW Waratahs
  • Jorgensen67'
  • Perese28'
  • Tele'a64'
  • Patchell4'
  • Edmed29'
  • Gilbert66'
  • Gilbert5'
  • Edmed41'
  • Edmed24'
  • Edmed13'
Penalty Goals
  • Gilbert57'
  • Gilbert31'
  • Gilbert1'
NSW Waratahs
NSW Waratahs
27Defenders Beaten17
6Clean Breaks3
16Turnovers Conceded13
17Missed Tackles27
4Turnovers Won8
24Kicks in Play24
3/5Penalty Goals3/5
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
618Kick From Hand Metres702
14In Touch9
9Opponent Collection15
19Possession Lost20
5Possession Retained2
83Rucks Won60
6Rucks Lost2
93%Rucks Success Rate96%
3Mauls Won2
Set Plays
11Lineouts Won11
1Lineouts Lost3
91%Lineouts Success Rate78%
9Scrums Won5
0Scrums Lost0
100%Scrums Success Rate100%
62%First Half38%
50%Second Half50%
70%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins30%
10Penalties Conceded12
0Red Cards0
0Yellow Cards0
6Penalty Conceded Own Half7
NSW Waratahs
NSW Waratahs
Angus Bell
1Angus Bell
Ethan de Groot
1Ethan de Groot (C)
Mahe Vailanu
2Mahe Vailanu
Henry Bell
2Henry Bell
Tom Ross
3Tom Ross
Jermaine Ainsley
3Jermaine Ainsley
Jed Holloway
4Jed Holloway
Fabian Holland
4Fabian Holland
Hugh Sinclair
5Hugh Sinclair
Max Hicks
5Max Hicks
Ned Hanigan
6Ned Hanigan
Tom Sanders
6Tom Sanders
Charlie Gamble
7Charlie Gamble
Nikora Broughton
7Nikora Broughton
Langi Gleeson
8Langi Gleeson
Hugh Renton
8Hugh Renton
Jake Gordon
9Jake Gordon (C)
Folau Fakatava
9Folau Fakatava
Tane Edmed
10Tane Edmed
Rhys Patchell
10Rhys Patchell
Triston Reilly
11Triston Reilly
Jona Nareki
11Jona Nareki
Joey Walton
12Joey Walton
Sam Gilbert
12Sam Gilbert
Izaia Perese
13Izaia Perese
Tanielu Tele'a
13Tanielu Tele'a
Mark Nawaqanitawase
14Mark Nawaqanitawase
Timoci Tavatavanawai
14Timoci Tavatavanawai
Max Jorgensen
15Max Jorgensen
Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens
15Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens
Julian Heaven
16Julian Heaven
Ricky Jackson
16Ricky Jackson
Hayden Thompson-Stringer
17Hayden Thompson-Stringer
Dan Lienert-Brown
17Dan Lienert-Brown
Harry Johnson-Holmes
18Harry Johnson-Holmes
Saula Ma'u
18Saula Ma'u
Miles Amatosero
19Miles Amatosero
Sean Withy
19Sean Withy
Fergus Lee-Warner
20Fergus Lee-Warner
Billy Harmon
20Billy Harmon
Teddy Wilson
21Teddy Wilson
James Arscott
21James Arscott
Harry Wilson
22Harry Wilson
Ajay Faleafaga
22Ajay Faleafaga
Mosese Tuipulotu
23Mosese Tuipulotu
Jonah Lowe
23Jonah Lowe
Dan McKellar
Jamie Joseph
82End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
82Penalty Goal - Missed RightTane Edmed has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Triston Reilly bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack.
76Substitution onTeddy Wilson comes on.
76Substitution offJake Gordon comes off.
71Penalty Goal - Missed RightSam Gilbert takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
69Conversion - Missed RightTane Edmed curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right.
67Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by NSW Waratahs results in a try for Max Jorgensen
67Try AssistTriston Reilly sets up the try.
67Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Triston Reilly took full advantage.
67Substitution onHighlanders make a substitution with Jonah Lowe coming on.
67Substitution offHighlanders make a substitution with Tanielu Tele'a coming off.
66Substitution onNSW Waratahs make a substitution with Hayden Thompson-Stringer coming on.
66Substitution offNSW Waratahs make a substitution with Angus Bell coming off.
66Substitution onNSW Waratahs make a substitution with Harry Wilson coming on.
66Substitution offNSW Waratahs make a substitution with Izaia Perese coming off.
66Conversion - KickedThe Highlanders supporters go wild as Sam Gilbert successfully kicks the conversion.
64Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Highlanders leads to a try for Tanielu Tele'a
64Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Tanielu Tele'a goes through the gap.
64Try AssistSam Gilbert sets up the try.
63Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Fabian Holland goes through the gap.
62Substitution onHighlanders sub Sean Withy comes onto the field.
62Substitution offTom Sanders departs for Highlanders.
60Substitution onHighlanders sub Jermaine Ainsley comes onto the field.
60Substitution offSaula Ma'u departs for Highlanders.
57Penalty Goal - KickedSam Gilbert adds the points for Highlanders.
54Substitution onAjay Faleafaga comes on.
54Substitution offRhys Patchell comes off.
54Substitution onSaula Ma'u comes on.
54Substitution offJermaine Ainsley comes off.
54Substitution onRicky Jackson comes on.
54Substitution offHenry Bell comes off.
54Substitution onDan Lienert-Brown comes on.
54Substitution offEthan de Groot comes off.
54Substitution onFergus Lee-Warner comes on.
54Substitution offLangi Gleeson comes off.
54Substitution onMiles Amatosero comes on.
54Substitution offHugh Sinclair comes off.
47Substitution onHighlanders decide to make a substitution, with Billy Harmon getting some game time.
47Substitution offHighlanders decide to make a substitution, with Nikora Broughton being replaced.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
41Penalty Goal - KickedTane Edmed kicks the penalty.
37Clean BreakFabulous play by NSW Waratahs has led to Langi Gleeson being able to wriggle through a gap.
35Clean BreakFabulous play by NSW Waratahs has led to Triston Reilly being able to wriggle through a gap.
32Substitution onHarry Johnson-Holmes comes on for NSW Waratahs.
32Substitution offTom Ross leaves the field.
31Penalty Goal - KickedThe Highlanders supporters go wild as Sam Gilbert successfully kicks the penalty goal.
29Conversion - KickedTane Edmed makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
28Try - From kickIzaia Perese gathers the kick to score the try for NSW Waratahs.
28Try AssistSpellbinding play by Mark Nawaqanitawase is finished off with a try.
28Clean BreakTrouble here as Mark Nawaqanitawase breaches the defence.
24Penalty Goal - KickedTane Edmed adds the points for NSW Waratahs.
22Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Max Jorgensen bursts through to advance the NSW Waratahs attack.
19Penalty Goal - Missed RightRhys Patchell takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
13Penalty Goal - KickedTane Edmed makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
9Penalty Goal - Missed RightTane Edmed steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the right.
5Conversion - KickedSam Gilbert has kicked a conversion.
4Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Highlanders leads to a try for Rhys Patchell
4Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens.
4Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Jacob Ratumaitavuki-Kneepkens goes through the gap.
1Penalty Goal - KickedSam Gilbert has kicked a penalty goal.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.